Monday, June 2, 2008

Our weekend!

Saturday morning began bright and early, before 5am, with us getting ready for our big garage sale! We arrived at the school barn at 6am and began hauling big items and furniture outside. The sky did not look as if it were going to cooperate with us that day! It was breezy and dark and we were all silently praying for good weather. The weather did cooperate and it turned out to be a beautiful day!
Our first customer showed up at 6:30am and we were not officially open until 7am! We were all busy and didn't want to appear rude since we were representing the church, so we let him shop! (He bought a lot of stuff too!!!) People came and went all day, buying arm loads of "stuff!" We had two cashier tables and were busy most of the time. Randy and Tricia were "working the crowd" as they would go carry the armloads of stuff to the tables up front so the people could grab another arm load full! Randy would just go around and chat with everyone and then would spread out the tables when he saw a big open area! The guys would help the ladies to their cars when they had large amounts of purchases! The people were commenting on how organized everything was and how nice it was for us to help them with their purchases!
We only had one episode that we were aware of where someone stole from us! The man knew what he was doing too! He bought one item, specifically asked for a bag and then gave the bag to his little girl and sent her inside the barn! She put some items in the bag and they walked out! Amy saw them and knew what they were doing but didn't say anything.
There were people in and out all day and the first time that we didn't have any customers at all was at 2:50pm. We were to close at 3pm but people kept coming until 4pm!
It was a fun but exhausting day for everyone! Special thanks to Brother and Sister Grissom and Nathan and Tricia Grissom for all their hard work! We appreciated it very much! This makes the funds for Jr Church last all year long and the kids really appreciate their prizes, parties, candy, etc!

Thanks so much everyone!!!

(I have tried all morning to get the cover picture to appear but am having difficulties! Just click on the blank picture below to see pictures from our sale!)

Jr Church Garage Sale



I CANNOT believe all of that stuff! No wonder Marvin was freaking out. He probably thought you would leave your "stuff" in there for months!

You didn't buy the little motorized car for Paige??? I should have come shopping...

You got some great pictures!

Karen Walden

No, I didn't! It was Amy's and they got $20.00 out of it. I thought I would wait as I know I will have to buy 2 of whatever. :)

Tricia G.

We had so much fun - couldn't believe that Marvin bought all those candles. ha ha!!!

Karen Walden

Do you think he lights several at once? Can't imagine him burning candles!! He's hilarious!!

Angie D

Looks like there was a great deal of hilarity happening around there! I'm so sorry we missed it...

Karen Walden

Tricia...I actually couldn't believe that lady that bought a bunch of your wedding stuff and said she was getting married in a year! Did you get a "good" look at her?!?!?!?! :0)

Lady J

Hey, don't be so hard on the lady getting married in a year! (By the way bloggers it WASN'T ME!) I heard of a gal once who set her wedding date and then went looking until she found a man who would marry her on that day! Should I try that? At least I know who has some candles I can borrow!

Jonathan Walden

Pretty sure we could have done without some of those pictures.