Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today's the day!!!

Uncle Sam wants YOU to do your American duty... and get out to the polls and...cast your ballot...
for the BEST choice...
You know who we're voting for!!!!!!!!!!



I thought it was rough the year that I was stuck at home hugely prego with Kerrigan and a 5.5 and almost 3 yr old. We had no car and in those days Tony left for work around 6 am and didn't get home until close to 6 pm (depending on traffic). So I did what any good American would do and waddled to the polls (I think it was only a few blocks away but it felt like a few miles!) This year, I'm hoping I can clench my teeth tight enough to get through the line and do my duty. Ugh!




That's a cute picture of Paige standing by your "new" sign :o) Some people have the nerve stealing the signs, don't they?


And by the way, I'm copying and pasting on everyone's blog that has a post about voting: through clenched teeth to keep from puking and feeling faint, it was not fun but it’s done. I VOTED!! Had probably a 20 minute wait.


Well, so far Mitch is our man! And Mike Pence! Yeah!!!

I'm feeling a little nervous about all of this...kind of feeling a little queasy like tacomom--but not for the same reason! :)


I got out and voted. Had to wait in line for 2 hours but i got free starbucks out of it. lol. I wanted McCain to win. :-(