Parker kept us all in stitches on our Disney trip. Here are just a couple of funny things he said that I can remember...
#1. One night he and my dad were sitting in the condo together and my dad said, "Parker, I love your brown hair and your brown eyes." Parker looked up at him and said, "Papa, I love your soiled hair and your soiled eyes!" :) Guess he thinks gray hair is soiled...
#2. On the way home from Magic Kingdom on Thursday night, my mom was talking on the phone to my Aunt who was in Orlando with us. My mom said, "Bob and I are pooped." Parker spoke up and said, "Papa, did you and Grandma poop your pants?" :) A few minutes later Parker spoke up again and said, "I am about to poop my pants right now too!" (He really had to go!)
#3. On the trip home from the airport, Jonathan and I were sitting right next to each other in the seat behind Parker and my mom. Parker turned around and saw us actually sitting close and said, "Hey, what are you two doing? Don't sog up the windows!" :) (Obviously, we never sit very close any other time!!!)
He says some of the funniest things and doesn't even know he is being funny! Never a dull moment around here!!!
Have a great weekend!